Oh god. Oh man. Two years without an update? That's some serious procrastination. To be fair, real life is every webcomic's enemy.
As always,
You may have noticed that THE NIGHTMARE CONTINUES hasn’t updated in a while... That’s ok! We aren’t abandoning this comic any time soon, it’s just that life has gotten in the way a bit.
I (Ghost) have been doing a majority of the update work behind the scenes, and unfortunately didn’t keep my promise of planning ahead, so I’ve kind of burnt out real quick. On top of that, I’ve been ruminating on my relationship to fan work and other forms of derivative content, and you know what that does to people.
We’re currently trying to wrap up the RP this comic is based off of as well, so writing the script has kind of been on the end of our to do list. Boarding the episodes, planning our workflow, all that kind of stuff, that’s also there right with it. Currently, I think we might start updating again around November, but it might be later than that. Who knows.
We don’t plan on abandoning TNC though. It’s a very important chapter of our lives for all of the team, and we want to share the joys of crying aliens and mad science and all that. We also want to finish the comic because we ain’t quitters.
So, sorry for the wait. We’ll be back to Zimming once we get stuff under control. See you soon!